Vircon32 game console
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Vircon32: Links

Here are some other sites where you can find more about Vircon32, follow the news on its development, or join its community.

Link What you will find there
On the Twitter account for Vircon32 you will find news about the console, its games and some previews and details about future developments.
On the site for Vircon32 you will also find the emulator and some games. Also, in the future some game jams are expected to be hosted there.
This is the YouTube channel for Vircon32. Here you can find gameplay videos as well as some introductory tutorials.
MediaVida forum has the most active development log for Vircon32 (in Spanish). If you want to follow the latest news, this is currently the best place to go.
At Discord I have a Vircon32 channel at the Fantasy Consoles 2.0 server. I am also in Libretro server (mi username is Vircon32).
Game Developers Refuge hosts another development log for Vircon32, in English. This forum is not very active, but some posters have known each other for very long.
There are currently 6 GitHub repositories for Vircon32:
  • ComputerSoftware: Emulator, Dev Tools, Regions Editor.
  • ConsoleSoftware: My games and demos, tutorials, etc.
  • Vircon32Documents: Specification and guide documents.
  • CommunityContent: Community-made games, demos, etc.
  • PhysicalElements: Designs for physical prototypes.
  • vircon32-libretro: A core to play Vircon32 on libretro.