Vircon32 is a virtual console. That means it has no hardware that determines how it works. Because of this there needs to be a specification that defines exactly what a Vircon32 system is, and what it can do. In this section you can find the set of documents that form the Vircon32 standard. Those documents define all features and behaviors for every component.
If you just want to play games on the console, you don't need to read these documents. On the other hand, if you want to create your own emulators or tools for the console, the specification will provide you with all the information you need.
What if you want to create games for the console? If you are a beginner it is much better for you to start in the "Quick guides" section. The specification will be more useful to you as you become more advanced and want deeper understanding of the machine (for instance to learn how to code in assembly).
For easier reading and reference the Vircon32 specification has been split into parts. This table contains the download links for each of them.