
This header contains all functions and definitions related to console graphics

General definitions for video

Definitions: Constants for screen properties
Name Value Description
screen_width 640 Width of the screen, in pixels
screen_height 360 Height of the screen, in pixels

Working with colors

Definitions: Values for common colors (with full opacity)
Name Value Description
color_black FF000000h Pure black
color_white FFFFFFFFh Pure white
color_gray FF808080h 1/2 brightness gray
color_darkgray FF404040h 1/4 brightness gray
color_lightgray FFC0C0C0h 3/4 brightness gray
color_red FF0000FFh Pure red
color_green FF00FF00h Pure green
color_blue FFFF0000h Pure blue
color_yellow FF00FFFFh Yellow (red + green)
color_magenta FFFF00FFh Magenta (red + blue)
color_cyan FFFFFF00h Cyan (green + blue)
color_orange FF0080FFh Orange (red + 1/2 green)
color_brown FF204080h Brown (1/2 red + 1/4 green + 1/8 blue)
Function: make_gray
Prototype: int make_gray( int brightness )
Description: Makes a gray color in RGBA format, with the given brightness and full opacity
int The resulting color
int brightness Brightness of the gray tone, in range [0-255]
Function: make_color_rgb
Prototype: int make_color_rgb( int r, int g, int b )
Description: Makes a color in RGBA format, with the requested RGB components and full opacity
int The resulting color
int r Red component of the color, in range [0-255]
int g Green component of the color, in range [0-255]
int b Blue component of the color, in range [0-255]
Function: make_color_rgba
Prototype: int make_color_rgba( int r, int g, int b, int a )
Description: Makes a color in RGBA format, with the requested components
int The resulting color
int r Red component of the color, in range [0-255]
int g Green component of the color, in range [0-255]
int b Blue component of the color, in range [0-255]
int a Alpha component of the color, in range [0-255]
Function: get_color_red
Prototype: int get_color_red( int color )
Description: Returns the red component of a color in RGBA format
int The red component, in range [0-255]
int color The input color in RGBA format
Function: get_color_green
Prototype: int get_color_green( int color )
Description: Returns the green component of a color in RGBA format
int The green component, in range [0-255]
int color The input color in RGBA format
Function: get_color_blue
Prototype: int get_color_blue( int color )
Description: Returns the blue component of a color in RGBA format
int The blue component, in range [0-255]
int color The input color in RGBA format
Function: get_color_alpha
Prototype: int get_color_alpha( int color )
Description: Returns the alpha component of a color in RGBA format
int The alpha component, in range [0-255]
int color The input color in RGBA format

Selected graphic objects

Function: select_texture
Prototype: void select_texture( int texture_id )
Description: Sets the selected texture to the given texture ID. All texture functions will apply to that texture from that moment
int texture_id ID of the texture to select
Function: get_selected_texture
Prototype: int get_selected_texture()
Description: Gets the ID of the currently selected texture
int ID of selected texture (from -1 to the last texture ID in the cartridge, if any)
Function: select_region
Prototype: void select_region( int region_id )
Description: Sets the selected texture region to the given texture ID. All region functions will apply to that region ID from the selected texture
int region_id ID of the texture region to select
Function: get_selected_region
Prototype: int get_selected_region()
Description: Gets the ID of the currently selected texture region
int ID of selected texture region (from 0 to 4095)

Definition of texture regions

Function: define_region
Prototype: void define_region( int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y )
Description: Defines the currently selected texture region, as a rectangle within the selected texture. All arguments are given in pixel coordinates within the selected texture
int min_x Left boundary of the region
int min_y Top boundary of the region
int max_x Right boundary of the region
int max_y Bottom boundary of the region
int hotspot_x X coordinate of the hotspot (can be outside the texture)
int hotspot_y Y coordinate of the hotspot (can be outside the texture)
Function: define_region_topleft
Prototype: void define_region_topleft( int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y )
Description: Same as define_region, but automatically places the hotspot at the top-left corner
int min_x Left boundary of the region
int min_y Top boundary of the region
int max_x Right boundary of the region
int max_y Bottom boundary of the region
Function: define_region_center
Prototype: void define_region_center( int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y )
Description: Same as define_region, but automatically places the hotspot at the center of the rectangle
int min_x Left boundary of the region
int min_y Top boundary of the region
int max_x Right boundary of the region
int max_y Bottom boundary of the region
Function: define_region_matrix
Prototype: void define_region_matrix( int first_id, int first_min_x, int first_min_y, int first_max_x, int first_max_y, int first_hotspot_x, int first_hotspot_y, int elements_x, int elements_y, int gap )
Description: Defines a set of same-sized regions within the selected texture that are laid out as a rectangular matrix. Consecutive IDs will be defined from left to right, and top to bottom. All regions will have the same relative hotspot position
int first_id ID to use for the first region (top-left region in the matrix)
int first_min_x Left boundary of the first region
int first_min_y Top boundary of the first region
int first_max_x Right boundary of the first region
int first_max_y Bottom boundary of the first region
int first_hotspot_x X coordinate of the first region's hotspot
int first_hotspot_y Y coordinate of the first region's hotspot
int elements_x Number of columns in the region matrix
int elements_y Number of rows in the region matrix
int gap Separation in pixels between adjacent regions
Function: set_region_hotspot
Prototype: void set_region_hotspot( int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y )
Description: Sets the hotspot for the currently selected texture region
int hotspot_x X coordinate of the hotspot (can be outside the texture)
int hotspot_y Y coordinate of the hotspot (can be outside the texture)

Blending modes

Definitions: Supported color blending modes
Name Value Description
blending_alpha 20h Alpha blending: Colors are replaced (neutral). The default mode
blending_add 21h Addition blending: Colors are added (light effect)
blending_subtract 22h Subtraction blending: Colors are subtracted (shadow effect)
Function: set_blending_mode
Prototype: void set_blending_mode( int mode )
Description: Changes the active color blending to the specified mode
int mode One of the possible blending modes defined
Function: get_blending_mode
Prototype: int get_blending_mode()
Description: Obtains the active color blending mode
int The currently active blending mode

Parameters for drawing commands

Function: set_multiply_color
Prototype: void set_multiply_color( int color )
Description: Sets the multiply color to the given color. Next region drawing commands will be done with the new multiply color
int color The new multiply color
Function: get_multiply_color
Prototype: int get_multiply_color()
Description: Obtains the current multiply color
int The current multiply color
Function: set_drawing_point
Prototype: void set_drawing_point( int drawing_x, int drawing_y )
Description: Sets the drawing point to the given screen coordinates. Next region drawing commands will be placed on the new drawing point
int drawing_x X coordinate of the new drawing point
int drawing_y Y coordinate of the new drawing point
Function: get_drawing_point
Prototype: void get_drawing_point( int* drawing_x, int* drawing_y )
Description: Obtains the coordinates of the current drawing point
int* drawing_x Pointer to an integer that will receive the X coordinate
int* drawing_y Pointer to an integer that will receive the Y coordinate
Function: set_drawing_scale
Prototype: void set_drawing_scale( float scale_x, float scale_y )
Description: Sets the drawing scale to the given X and Y factors. Next region drawing commands that enable scaling will use the new factors
float scale_x New scale factor on X. Negative values cause a mirror effect along X
float scale_y New scale factor on Y. Negative values cause a mirror effect along Y
Function: get_drawing_scale
Prototype: void get_drawing_scale( float* scale_x, float* scale_y )
Description: Obtains the current scale factors on X and Y
float* scale_x Pointer to a float that will receive the X scale factor
float* scale_y Pointer to a float that will receive the Y scale factor
Function: set_drawing_angle
Prototype: void set_drawing_angle( float angle )
Description: Sets the drawing angle to the new value. Next region drawing commands that enable rotation will use the new angle
float angle The new rotation angle, given in radians. Positive angles rotate clockwise
Function: get_drawing_angle
Prototype: float get_drawing_angle()
Description: Obtains the current drawing angle
float The current rotation angle, in radians. Positive angles rotate clockwise

GPU drawing commands

Function: clear_screen
Prototype: void clear_screen( int color )
Description: Fills the screen with the given color. This command is affected by the active blending mode, but color multiply effect is not applied
int color The color to use
Function: draw_region
Prototype: void draw_region()
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the current drawing position, with scaling and rotation effects disabled
Function: draw_region_at
Prototype: void draw_region_at( int drawing_x, int drawing_y )
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the specified position on screen, with scaling and rotation effects disabled
int drawing_x X coordinate of the drawing position
int drawing_y Y coordinate of the drawing position
Function: draw_region_zoomed
Prototype: void draw_region_zoomed()
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the current drawing position, with scaling enabled and rotation disabled
Function: draw_region_zoomed_at
Prototype: void draw_region_zoomed_at( int drawing_x, int drawing_y )
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the specified position on screen, with scaling enabled and rotation disabled
int drawing_x X coordinate of the drawing position
int drawing_y Y coordinate of the drawing position
Function: draw_region_rotated
Prototype: void draw_region_rotated()
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the current drawing position, with rotation enabled and scaling disabled
Function: draw_region_rotated_at
Prototype: void draw_region_rotated_at( int drawing_x, int drawing_y )
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the specified position on screen, with rotation enabled and scaling disabled
int drawing_x X coordinate of the drawing position
int drawing_y Y coordinate of the drawing position
Function: draw_region_rotozoomed
Prototype: void draw_region_rotozoomed()
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the current drawing position, with scaling and rotation effects enabled
Function: draw_region_rotozoomed_at
Prototype: void draw_region_rotozoomed_at( int drawing_x, int drawing_y )
Description: Draws the currently selected texture region, at the specified position on screen, with scaling and rotation effects enabled
int drawing_x X coordinate of the drawing position
int drawing_y Y coordinate of the drawing position

Printing text on screen

Definitions: Sizes for the BIOS font
Name Value Description
bios_character_width 10 Width in pixels of BIOS font characters
bios_character_height 20 Height in pixels of BIOS font characters
Function: print_at
Prototype: void print_at( int drawing_x, int drawing_y, int* text )
Description: Prints a text string using the BIOS font, at the specified position
int drawing_x X coordinate for text left
int drawing_y Y coordinate for text top
int* text Pointer to the null-terminated string to print
Function: print
Prototype: void print( int* text )
Description: Prints a text string using the BIOS font, at the current drawing position
int* text Pointer to the null-terminated string to print