
Header with miscellaneous functions, for areas not handled in the other standard headers

Operating with memory regions

Function: memset
Prototype: void memset( void* destination, int value, int size )
Description: Sets all words in the target memory region to the same given value
void* destination Pointer to the beginning of destination region
int value Value to which words will be set
int size Number of words to set
Function: memcpy
Prototype: void memcpy( void* destination, void* source, int size )
Description: Copies the contents of the given source memory region into the destination region
void* destination Pointer to the beginning of destination region
void* source Pointer to the beginning of source region
int size Number of words to copy
Function: memcmp
Prototype: int memcmp( void* region1, void* region2, int size )
Description: Compares the contents of the 2 given memory regions
int A positive result if values from region1 are greater than those of region2. Negative if values from region1 are less than those of region2. Zero when equal
void* region1 Pointer to the beginning of memory region 1
void* region2 Pointer to the beginning of memory region 2
int size Number of words to compare

Dynamic memory management

Function: malloc
Prototype: void* malloc( int size )
Description: Allocates the requested amount of memory and returns a pointer to its start address
void* Pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory region, or NULL on failure
int size Number of words to allocate
Function: free
Prototype: void free( void* ptr )
Description: Releases memory allocation of a pointer previously returned by malloc, calloc or realloc. Note it does not set ptr to NULL. Calling free with an invalid ptr will cause memory corrpution!
void* ptr Pointer to the beginning of a previously allocated memory region
Function: calloc
Prototype: void* calloc( int number, int size )
Description: Allocates memory for the requested number of elements, of the same size each. It also initializes memory to zeroes
void* Pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory region, or NULL on failure
int number Number of elements to allocate
int size Size in words of each element
Function: realloc
Prototype: void* realloc( void* ptr, int size )
Description: Reallocates a previously allocated region with a new size. When possible it will keep the same location, otherwise it will copy all data in the previous region to the new location. If new size is smaller, previous data will get truncated in place. Calling realloc with an invalid ptr will cause memory corrpution!
void* Pointer to beginning of the reallocated memory region, or NULL on failure
void* ptr Pointer to the beginning of a previously allocated memory region
int size New size in words for the reallocated memory region

Random number generation

Function: rand
Prototype: int rand()
Description: Generates and returns the next pseudo-random number
int The created value
Function: srand
Prototype: void srand( int seed )
Description: Sets the seed for the pseudo-random number generator. This value will be the first one obtained on next calls to rand(). For a same seed the sequence of values obtained will be the same
int seed The new seed to use. Cannot be zero (int that case it is ignored)

Control of program flow

Function: exit
Prototype: void exit()
Description: Terminates program execution. This is equivalent to a return statement from function main